Biden Missing This Historic Opportunity Set Up For Him

3 years ago

Today on Sekulow, ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell came on to discuss the importance of the United States’ relationship with Kosovo and Serbia. As Ric has written, “President Trump’s Economic Normalization Agreement, brokered in Washington, D.C., in early September 2020, kick-started a new era from a previously dead process. The historic steps in 2020 for Serbia and Kosovo haven’t been easy and their continued implementation was certainly hampered by COVID-19 lockdowns. But President Trump’s creativity and insistence that Kosovo and Serbia concentrate on economic development and jobs for young people, instead of the usual political talks, proved to change the status quo. The leaders in the Balkans all know that this type of American leadership is crucial; and without it, more progress cannot be made.”

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