Unvaxxed Logic 101 — For The Vaxxed Who Are Confused By The Unvaxxed

3 years ago

Sometimes, it takes years to discover the long-term side effects of a medicine.
From CDC.gov:
"Aluminum salts...have been used safely in vaccines for more than 70 years."
But, if you search PubMed: "Aluminum is a…neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant."
Use may lead to "autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation…associated neurological complications…
…and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences."
So, possible long-term vaccines effects, we don't hear about.
We don't hear about a lot.
Unvaxxed don't follow a mostly corrupt government & their news.
Many dig deep, research, and think for themselves…
Zzzfff Tune
Covid, Covid19, Covid Vaccine, Vaxxed, Unvaxxed, Politics, Corruption, Think For Yourself, Truth, Science, Power To The People, Exercise, Stay Fit , Zinc, Quercetin, VitaminD3, Ascorbyl Palmitate
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