Spreading Hidden Truths w/ Etienne de la Boetie2

3 years ago

Solutions or Awareness for this episode? Both, but I think it leaned more on the solutions side. Etienne’s book “Government”-The Biggest Scam in History is flying off the shelves as people are waking up from the metaphorical Matrix and realizing the real root of all problems trace back to one main belief: The belief in government. We also discuss his Voluntaryist oriented think tank, The Art of Liberty, what they are doing and what YOU can do. Viewers will also get a great lesson on what Voluntaryism is and how to get access to The Liberator, a library of free resources that could literally save someone’s life. Let’s face it, the more one is dependent on, and believes in the systems being set up for humanity by the inter-generational organized crime, the worse off you’re likely to end up.

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