Did PA Brake It’s Own Laws in 2020 Election?, 3665

3 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Remember, we are moving our YouTube livestream up to Thursdays at 8. So we’ll see you at 8pm eastern tonight.

Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium has really produced some stunning information – like who is the control central for these post coup activities and how they coordinate with the three social media giants.

I’ll be reporting on this later today, but unfortunately, I can’t watch I, record it, and then report on it in real time

Today is the CyberSymposium’s last day and I highly recommend it at FrankSpeech.com.

Last month, Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano, chairman of the intergovernmental Operations Committee, sent out letters to three Pennsylvania counties; Philadelphia, York, and Tiago, demanding they do a forensic audit of election 2020 and the 2021 primary.

Sen. Mastriano threatened to subpoena documents if they did not comply by July 31. Officials in these 3 counties have already signaled that they did not intend to comply with the demand.

Shortly after Mastriano sent these letters, the Pennsylvania Department of State advised all counties in the state not to give third-party auditors access to election equipment or they would risk decertification.
Obviously, this is headed to court.

Why would the state have an interest in not supporting Sen. Mastriano? If they have nothing to hide, why hide? Why drag this thing out to the maximum extent?

Well, I got this comment in yesterday that explains what’s going on in Pennsylvania from the macro perspective from an anon, simply named Ensign Nemo.

I cannot prove any of what you are about to read. It would take years of experience and a deep knowledge of the laws of that state to verify all of this.

However, it makes some sense and so I’m throwing this out for additional comments and perhaps eventually we can get at the truth.

Ensign Nemo • 1 day ago

“In Pennsylvania, the state constitution requires a constitutional amendment, with a ballot measure that is very similar to the referendums in other states such as California, to be passed before the method of voting can be changed.

“This is very democratic (with a small 'd', not a capital 'D') for two reasons. It requires a popular vote - the voters must vote to change the method of voting. It also means that the method of voting can't be changed in a single final election cycle, because the ballot measure must be voted on in one November election, and then it takes effect the next year.

“They didn't do this, they started the amendment process and then realized they were out of time to use it to fix the 2020 elections. Instead, they passed Act 77 in October 2019 to make mass mail-in voting legal. Even that act contains the provision that if ANY of the rules in the act are broken, then ALL of the mail-in ballots are voided.

“In PA, the state Supreme Court extended the deadline for mail-in voting from Tuesday 8:00 p.m. (Election Day, November 3) to 5:00 p.m. Friday. This directly rewrote the law - Act 77, to be specific - as Tuesday and Friday are not the same day, no matter how eloquent the lawyers who argued in front of the Supreme Court may have been.

“This alone violated Act 77, so all mail-in ballots MUST be tossed. ALL mail-in ballots, not just the ones that arrived by Tuesday night, according to the very act that authorized them! The US Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4 on this issue just before the election, and that was a mistake that they must surely regret.

“If you doubt that the state legislature outranks the state Supreme Court on election law, then read this from the United States Constitution:

"Article I, Section 4 The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators."

“That's the UNITED STATES Constitution. Only idiots are arguing that the state legislature has no authority to overrule the state Supreme Court about the "Times" of the "Elections".

“Every ballot had candidates for a Representative, and also for President and Vice-President, on it, so all ballots cast are covered by this section.

“To recap, the US Constitution was violated, the state Constitution was violated, and the law which authorized mass mail-in ballots was violated. What election laws were left to violate? They broke three sets of rules, yet somehow the Dems still claim that this was a fair election.

“This all happened BEFORE the actual fraud that is alleged to include 18 wheelers full of ballots driving in from out of state, and election observers being kicked out of the rooms where ballots were counted, and ballots returned before they were sent out, and on and on and on.

“There are many more things wrong with that election, but I don't want to write a book, so I'll leave it at that.”

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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