Screw Your Freedom! Cries The Establishment.

3 years ago

Screw Your Freedom! Cries The Establishment.
The left promise Utopia. Coined by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the south Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America. The opposite of a utopia is a dystopia, which dominates fictional literature from the 1950s onwards, thanks to George Orwell. Orwell saw through socialism. After all, he had seen the socialists fight each other for control of Spain, in which Antifa denounced him because he was on the side of the Democratic Socialists. A key to their goal is to have everyone denounce any sense of self and to destroy individuality. At first, it was a denouncement of class. When marxism failed to spread beyond the soviet union, leftists created variations of socialism. Out of the ashes of worldwide communism came national socialism. The left argued strong national ties had people refusing to unite globally under socialism, even other socialists. A new form of socialists would transform society from a nationalist to a globalist. First, they would do and say anything to achieve power and popularity as a nationalist. But increasingly, more and more contradictions appeared as they would embrace globalism. The true goal of national socialist was to educate children to denounce the religion and nationism of their parents in the name of global harmony while appearing to be nationalist they build the nations military. To achieve the perfect socialist state, the left argued society has to be destroyed through war. That the survivors would be so reviled by the evils of war and forever link war to nationalism and capitalism, they would embrace new communism, one called Globalism reenforced by global institutions. But the left always creates their own enemy to control the outcome. FDR had declared neutrality, sold arms to China and denounced the war in China. A war America, Russia, and Japan started against the Chinese communists who attacked the colonial powers and the Imperialist government of China. FDR turned Japan into an enemy and helped Adolf's rise through proxies, all the time keeping the American economy depressed. War was always his plan. He sent American troops into Panama and built the world's largest Navy in 1936. To "protect" neutrality, he claimed. Once he had American production near peak, he began building ships for Brittan and Canada. When war came, all those factories made empty by the depression turned into arms factories. War has always been the socialist agenda. Out of the ashes of Europe in the 1950s, the left focused on America. Nationalism, industrial power, and powerful, America had the power to win any war with one bomb. First, the left made sure America wasn't the only country with the bomb. Then proceeded to destroy America's image in the world by focusing on race and war. The left added destruction of racial identity to their agenda. It began the indoctrination of American youth into hating their country by claiming America's success was build on the backs of slaves. Never mind, the economy collapsed. Never mind, Blacks had a strong middle class. I've told you often that the left recruit the most ungrateful, greedy, and envious of their cause. People are so fanatically devoted to the destruction of the nation they live in instead of leaving it. By the 1960s, a bored indoctrinated youth, who fear national socialists as far-right, began to move into Hollywood, the media and academia. They spread out from Portland, Chicago, Los Angles,/Berkley. They believe anyone not against fascism must be a fascist. All conspiracies are the same. They indoctrinate children using fear. To spread that fear came the media's focus on the psycho killer. They painted all psycho killers as white males who prayed on women. It worked. Women began to hate white males. Women's magazines and pornography turned black men into fetish. Thus the Democrat party embraced a new globalist left, one with global institutions and under JFK began to transform America into a corporate state. Banks who engineered the economic crisis of the 1930s to concentrate wealth now began to fund the Democrat party to expand their money laundering schemes from just the proceeds of crime to fund liberalism, to include religious and political donations and taxpayer funds. We must know identity and outlaw all the key components of the left. Until FDR, America would not tolerate descent. Until FDR, America was against mass migration. America had very few illegal migrants. Until FDR, America was welcome around the world. Liberal tolerance have Americans allowing their enemies to thrive, claiming uplifting minorities will bring peace. All it does is foster a culture of entitlement and led to the end of your self-determination and the genocide of your ethnic identity.
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