Dominion algorithm exposed to rig votes * Aug. 11, 2021

3 years ago

Step One: Get the 2010 census data. Step Two: Rig Election. Step Three: Delete Data. See: "Audit of Dominion server shows evidence of fraud, cover-up."

It appears that nobody need fear being sued by #DominionVotingSystems anymore. They must be crapping in their pants now. And the Secretary of State in #Colorado has some serious explaining to do. It's a crying shame we have a corrupt #FBI or there would have been a ton of indictments by now. Maybe #FoxNews can start reporting on #ElectionFraud again and admit they were wrong, that #Trump was right, that the election WAS stolen! #Dominion was caught red-bloody-handed deleting database and event logs on State election servers, proven by BEFORE and AFTER forensic image files of the hard drive just after they made their so-called "updates" — and they did it in person too. There is so much smoke that we can't even see the fire! I wonder if the #FakeNews media will report this. All the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together now. The Colorado SOS insinuated her passwords were stolen and posted on social media just before she and a Dominion employee raided the #Mesa County Clerk's office (named Tina) while she was on a plane on the way to #MikeLindell's cyber event, and threatened to criminally investigate HER when it was the SOS and Dominion who were committing crimes with their attempted cover-up of election fraud!

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