mass consumer america...all we do is eat each other

3 years ago

just equated nationalism w/ cannabalism
a genius w/out even trying
going along with stuff to be a good citizen
the elderly center where i uselessly voted
pitseleh is just as bumpy as fiona, makes sense
fiona=car, pitseleh=bike
elliott smith fans?
i didn't even bike that long
this allegiance people pay to stuff they dunno that much about
what they do know ain't even right half the time
describing opponent when talking about yourself, no awareness
why should we trust the person who asks no questions
dunno if/when i'm doing satire
serious but not that serious
no sense in coming down on people for having smartphones cos it won't change their behavior
the elite never had good intentions
everybody is a voluntary slave tho
junk collecting in yer house/mind
porn is way worse than pills
sex, violence, drama
cluster A peeps are inquisitive
do i hate this person cos i hate myself

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