Service With a Smile- "Alcohol, drugs, switchblades and a tractor.....this movie has it all!"

3 years ago

(DIRECTORS CUT) If anyone needs AA, the Betty Ford Clinic, and a visit with Sigmund Freud, it's Bill, a middle-aged, a-social dipsomaniac using painkillers and vodka tonics to rationalize his erratic behavior. After a series of hallucinations feed his xenophobic paranoia, he begins to plot revenge against his imagined conspirators. His impulsive actions snowball into unbridled chaos against a chance group of strangers that have the misfortune of crossing his path. Voted "Best Film to Watch While Getting Baked" by Gettin' Hi Media. "The Charles Bukowski-meets-Shemp Howard dipsomaniacal comedy..."
-John Beifuss.
The Commercial Appeal.
Directed by Ken Axmaker, Jr. For more info:

#servicewithasmile, #kenaxmaker, #memphisfilm, #indiefilm, #drugsandalcohol

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