Just a Taste: Sanctions with Dr. Cynthia McKinney

3 years ago

The "Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act" rocketed through the US Congress at record speed in July, imposing sanctions on Iran, North Korea and Russia. Faced with a veto override, an unhappy President Trump signed it into law on August 2, 2017.

The response was swift. EU President Jean-Claude Juncker threatened retaliatory measures. Germany’s Minister for Economics and Energy Birgette Zypries declared the sanctions illegal and urged the EU to take counter-measures. Russian prime minister Medvedev announced that the law had ended the possibility of improving U.S.–Russia relations and signaled "an all-out trade war with Russia."

What happened to the US policy of maintaining global balance by preventing a close alliance between Germany, Russia and China? It appears to have been reversed to ensure just such a result with an escalating trade war. One alleged FBI whistle blower recently said of Clinton's desire for war with Russia, "She wants war with Russia because that is what her donations bought."

Has the entire US Congress minus the two senators and three Congressman that voted against the Sanctions Bill been bought? Can the military industrial complex trade order wars with its control files and campaign contributions the way you and I order take out pizzas? It would appear so.

To help answer that question, I invited former Congressman from Georgia, Dr. Cynthia McKinney, to return to the Solari Report to discuss the Sanctions Act and the unprecedented manner in which it was passed into law. This Thursday we will also make available to the public Dr. McKinney's extraordinary interview on the US Constitution in the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up and our discussion on how we might organize to enforce it.

Listen to the full interview at the Solari Report - solari.com

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