Free DLC Pyro Henchmen Review | TF2 and Evil Genius 2

3 years ago

Evil Genius 2 just got some free DLC. The Pyro from Team Fortress 2 has been added as a henchmen you can recruit. What does he do, is he good, and how can you get him? Well I answer all those questions with this video.

Chech the timestamps to find what you most want to see.

Doomhilda Review Here:

This is a great excuse to jump back into Evil Genius 2 which has received a number of quality of life improvements from its past updates.

The verdict on the Pyro -- The best early game henchmen to recruit, but his annoying habit of burning your own base to the ground holds him back from greatness.

Basic Stats: Probably bugged, they look like they don't get improved from the henchmen buff research.
Basic Attack: Medium range, AOE damage, lights enemies and minions on fire. It damages your items as well but does not actually light them on fire.
1st Ability Armageddon: More destructive goodness just like the basic but everywhere around him.
2nd Ability Compressed Air: Either put out your items that are on fire or turn up the heat on an enemy. Great when playing with Ivan to put out HAVOC fires, and fun to use in a fight.

Tier list placement is noted with a timestamp.

0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Join the Blu Team
6:00 - Defeating the Pyro
9:50 - Meet the Pyro
11:38 - Pyro Henchmen Review
14:50 - Pyro Ability Armageddon
15:28 - Pyro Ability Compressed Air
19:53 - Pyro Henchmen Tier List
21:30 - DLC Final Thoughts

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