WATCH: Loudoun County Teacher Addresses School Board before Resigning

3 years ago

WATCH: Aug 11, 2021 - Loudoun County Teacher, Laura Morris, a fifth grade teacher at Lucketts Elementary School, broke into tears addressing the school board. She used her allotted two minutes to publicly resign from her teaching position. ‘I quit! I quit your politics. I quit your trainings and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas on our most vulnerable constituents — the children. "I will find employment elsewhere. I encourage all parents and staff in this country to flood the private schools."

FB: Brianna Olson - This is my little sister. So proud of her for standing up for what she believes. She has faithfully served her students for many long years and Loudoun County is losing one of the best over this nonsense. More good teachers are going to quit and we'll be left with the bad ones who are only interested in pushing an agenda that has no place in our society. We have to stand for what we believe in and sometimes we have to make hard decisions to drive home our point. I commend Laura Morris for having the courage to do so.

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