Can America Be Great Again? – Framing the Vision with Jon Rappoport

3 years ago

Where are your risks and opportunities in the changes underway in the United States? Can America really be great again?

To ask these questions, we need to first consider the American oligarchy and the members of the establishment who set the policies that impact our finances and time. I divide them into three groups – Titanic Turners, Scaredy Cats, and Pigs:

Titanic Turners have the intention, energy, experience, resources and courage to try to turn the Titanic in time.
Scaredy Cats prefer to “cut and run” – they are the first to sail off in their well endowed lifeboats.
Pigs wake up each morning saying, “What about me?” They are eager to strip natural resources and other assets, and are encouraging invasive digital technology, more regulations,”piratizations,” constitutional conventions, and state secession to help them do so. They fund various noble groups to front for them and to create obstacles for the Titanic Turners.

If you look at the nominees proposed during the Trump Transition or, in fact, look at municipal, civil, and business officers in your local area, our leaders can be grouped and understood in this way. For that matter, so can all of us.

The role of independent media should be to help generate ideas and intelligence that:
Improve the power and performance of the Titanic Tuners,
Make it attractive for the Pigs and Scaredy Cats to follow or even become Titanic Turners, and
Make life exceptionally painful for the Pigs until they do.

We also need to support the general population to take responsibility to help turn the Titanic and reject the Pigs, each in our own lives and local areas.

Listen to the full interview with Jon Rappoport at the Solari Report - (FREE)

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