Bacon Free California - Democrats Want Illegals to Vote

3 years ago

Americans Enraged As California Moves To Ban Much Loved Food

From gun control to foreign policy, America is more polarised than a pair of $1,000 sunnies. In fact, it almost goes without saying that The United States is divided down all sorts of lines.

But what you might think would still be uniting it is a love of bacon, donuts; fries.

You’d be wrong.

The growing ‘low carb’ movement is eschewing fries and donuts, and now California is moving to ban bacon. How oh-very-coastal, you may be quick to think. Don’t.

It’s actually a pretty smart move, with even meat-eating advocates like Dave Asprey praising the Golden State for this particular burst of enlightenment.

Prop 12, California’s cage-free eggs and bacon law, explained

In 2018, California voters passed Prop 12, a ballot initiative that is the nation’s — and some say the world’s — strongest law to improve living conditions for farmed animals.

It seems modest on its face: Some of the animals raised for consumption in California must be given additional space. But once fully implemented on January 1, 2022, it will affect nearly a million pigs and 40 million egg-laying hens each year.

Democrats destroy the California Dream

I use to live in California, it is a beautiful state with many wonderful Patriots! Besides giving America and the world classic Hollywood movies and Governor Ronald Reagan as one of our great Presidents, California gave use classic rock tunes like Hotel California, California Girls and California Dreaming.

California Fleeing: Democrats delude themselves about why their state is losing people

Despite opening the floodgates to millions of illegal aliens, making the state the home to one out of four foreigners who break into the country without authorization, the state has made substandard gains in population over the last decade.

Democrats’ Plan to Turn Illegal Aliens Into Voters

Biden’s border bedlam is not a bug. It’s a feature of this faux moderate’s far-left agenda. Those whom conservatives call illegal aliens, Biden considers Future Democrats of America. Why fight over today’s voters when you can let 633,124 potential new ones invade the USA, from February 1 through May 31, versus 111,490 in 2020’s like period — up 468 percent?

The war against white people

I would hope by now that it is clear to everyone that the protesting, rioting, looting, vandalism and anarchy that has gripped this nation has nothing to do with justice for George Floyd. It doesn’t even have anything to do with ending racism. Actually, it is the complete opposite. It has everything to do with promoting racism, but this time it is racism against white people. It’s about the false narrative that white people are evil and must be punished for the crime of being born white.

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