And Also Andrew Cuomo's Gone

3 years ago

The sex harassment allegations are widely used by politicians to get rid of other politicians or, like Weinstein, other powerful men because they don't touch "the other comrades", the man targeted is solely, personally responsible, he has no complicit people who might help him not to fall down with him. He's isolated in his guilt and no one helps him. Think about what would happen if a politician were accused of election fraud, he cannot have done it alone and all his partners in crime and helpers would help him and defend him not to go down with him, see Biden. So it's always sex harassment allegations & co. It's a bit sad and a bit nauseating anyway. Spare me the no-strings attached girls who now claim to have been used and abused when they did publicity to having sex with friends without engagements, love stories, rings et al. Weinstein and Cuomo were probably convinced to have these no strings attached friends-lovers. Now they are abusers. What they are for real, God knows.

check website

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