How to Process Our Emotions - Step 4

3 years ago

Processing our emotions is not only a healthy life skill that helps us in our relationships, but one of Jesus’ Commandments!

Most of us didn’t grow up learning the healthy life skills Jesus teaches us, but He makes us the Promise that if we do what He says, we will know the Truth, and the Truth will make us free to live the successful lives God intended us to live.

Processing our emotions is one of the most essential Commandment Jesus has for us – because it not only gets us closer to God and helps us become more and more like Jesus in character, but it gives us a clean slate every time, so that we can fulfill God’s Purpose for our lives.

If something is big enough to cause an emotional response – positive or negative – it’s bit enough to process, which we do by the Power of the Holy Spirit. But in order to be able to process our emotions, we need to understand what the steps of this process are. And of course, Jesus is the One to teach them to us.

Let’s look at how to process our emotions – step 2! God bless you, abundantly!!

✅ How to Process Our Emotions - Step 1:

✅ How to Process Our Emotions - Step 2:

✅ How to Process Our Emotions - Step 3:

✅ How to Process Our Emotions - Step 1-4:

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