Reiner Fuellmich | Worldwide Rally for Freedom London 7/24/21 | Oracle Films | CoviLeaks

3 years ago

#ReinerFuellmich, international trial lawyer whose "#Nuremberg 2.0" began on July 4th at the Hague, speaking at #WorldwideRallyforFreedom London 24/07/21 Oracle Films #CoviLeaks
"...the Berlin Corona investigative committee has since its inception on July 10th, 2020 heard testimony from more than 110 highly respected experts from all over the world on the questions of:
How dangerous is the virus?
How dangerous are the "anti-corona measures to human life and health and to the economy"?
How reliable is the "Drosten" PCR Test underlying all these measures worldwide?
.. even the WHO conceded that the virus, regardless of whether it is fully or semi artificial or natural, is no more dangerous than the common flu with an infection fatality rate of 0.14%. And accordingly, Singapore agrees and has removed all measures.
These measures are as deadly and destructive as a 3rd World War would be. And the Drosten PCR Test which was declared by the WHO under control of Bill Gates and the Chinese as the "gold standard" for detecting infections is an outrageous fraud.
... only these so-called "cases" which in reality have been faked with the help of this test were the basis for the determination of a "public health emergency of international concern" in February of 2020.
... only on the basis of the "public health emergency of international concern", that is, on the basis of this "state of emergency", is it possible at all, according to the WHO, to use untested drugs on humans....
All other steps: the social distancing, the lockdowns, the mask mandates, etc served only to give the population firstly: a visible reason for an otherwise illusionary panic creates solely through psychological operations, and secondly: to subjugate them so that they would agree even to the so-called "vaccinations". In reality of course these "vaccinations" are experimental gene therapies without any scientific study as a basis. There is neither a reason nor even a necessity for them. Firstly: there's no evidence for a pandemic; only the fake Drosten PCR Test with its false positives is responsible for "public health emergency of international concern"... and secondly: there are effective alternative treatment methods and as a rule, a human immune system is very well-equipped to fight viruses - even man-made viruses. Apart from that, the "vaccinations" lack any effectiveness as a very recent study by Science Files has just proven concerning Biontech/Pfizer. And on top of all this, these shots are extremely dangerous as the latest official figures from the US prove.
...the mainstream media and the politicians which are both under the control of the global corporations and the global NGOs are doing everything in their power to make registration of vaccination adverse events as difficult as possible.
... In the US the president wants to censor even private communications. Even if it concerns completely correct statements whose only problem is that they're not in line with the official, fraudulent line as announced by the government.
In the meantime, in India, South Africa, in the US and in Canada and in France, very large legal battles have been set in motion, or are now being set in motion. In Portugal, Austria and Germany excellent court decisions have come down stating that the completely unsuitable Drosten PCR Test can not be the basis for any anti-corona measures....
The Berlin Corona investigative committee have already now accumulated extremely incriminating evidence that proves that this was never about health.
...... We are obviously dealing here with megalomaniacs psychopaths and sociopaths who should have been stopped a long time ago. But now the time has come for this. That is why millions of people are demonstrating all over the world today...."

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