Lewis Brinson Still Hears What He Wants To Hear (It's Not the Truth), Fan on Field Yeeted By Girl

3 years ago

Local moron at the Sunday afternoon Dodgers game got a beautiful reminder that the field is for athletes as he was unable to dodge a slight push from a College Girl. Sucks to suck my dude.

Lewis Brinson, someone lucky to be playing Major League Baseball, was unsatisfied with the results of the probe into the Colorado Rockies incident that never was. While he has admitted that he has never been called the "n-word" in public, faced any notable racism in the flesh, he reassures everyone that it's tough being Black online. He regularly has to deal with comments online!!! Shock and horror, whatever must that be like... Try talking politics counter to the narrative if you want some real backlash, ask Larry Elder, Candace Owens or Brandon Tatum if you want some real racism.

After the conclusion of the Probe revealing that in fact, no one in the year 2021 was yelling the most verboden word in the English Language in Public and on Television, Brinson reassures us that he is fine with the findings and that he still hears what he wants to hear, regardless. Have fun in irrelevancy once this passes.

New York Post: https://nypost.com/2021/08/10/who-is-the-fan-tackling-dodgers-ball-girl-meet-marissa-rohan/
The Cincinnati Inquirer: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/sports/mlb/2021/08/09/marlins-lewis-brinson-comments-fan-yelling-dinger-mascot/5547512001/

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#MLB #Dinger #Brinson

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