Lithuania - Vilnius (Protest against the government and vaccine-passports) [August 10, 2021]

3 years ago

Lithuania - Vilnius [August 10, 2021]

Protest against the government, COVID-meassures, vaccine-passports and medical apartheid.

Thousands of people gathered for a protest near the building of the Seimas of Lithuania. The protesters opposed the bills that were considered by the parliamentarians. In particular, the initiatives concerned the expansion of the powers of the military in an emergency and new restrictions due to the coronavirus.

Тысячи людей собрались на акцию протеста около здания Сейма Литвы. Митингующие выступали против законопроектов, которые рассматривали парламентарии. В частности, инициативы касались расширения полномочий военных при чрезвычайной ситуации и новых ограничений из-за коронавируса.

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