The World Needs You to Unpack Your Gift | Dr. Rick Wallace

3 years ago

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The World Needs You to Unpack Your Gift | Dr. Rick Wallace

Nothing can resist the human will that will stake even its very existence on the extent of its purpose!" ~ Benjamin Disraeli

One of the first things that you must understand is that the only limitation you have in this world are the ones that you accept in your mind. The limitations you accept in your mind will form beliefs that will govern your actions. If you are honest with yourself, your actions consistently align with your beliefs.

Your beliefs dictate your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions, which directly produce your results. Your results will then reinforce the original belief. If you want to change your results, you have to change your beliefs.

I have a question: How far are you willing to go to achieve that which you desire? What I can tell you is the distance you are willing to go is directly related to how much you believe in what you are fighting for.

You can talk about all that you want to accomplish in this world until you are blue in the face, but if you want to do something that you have never done you will have to become someone you have never been.

It is time for you to unpack your gift. Most people never unwrap their inherent gifts. Look, you are designed to impact the world. Your gift is not for you, it is for the fulfillment of your purpose. You were designed to impact people that no one else on this planet can reach and impact but you. Your success will be birthed out of unpacking and uses your gift to liberate others.

It is time to unpack your gift.

Here is what I want you to do:

First, get your signed copy of my 20th book, Critical Mass here:

Second: Sign up for the 30-Day Holistic Transformation Master Class (A personal experience that will change your life forever). Click here:

#lifechange #drrickwallace #holistictransformation #nextlevelliving #visionetics

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