NJ Dem Gov Murphy: Tinfoil Hat Stuff That Illegals Cause COVID Spike in Texas Despite Evidence

3 years ago

"I mean, the disinformation figures, there's probably too many to name. But they're making people sick. And in some cases, they're killing people. And other people are irresponsibly repeating stuff. that they're hearing as though it's true. I mean, I'm not getting political, but the people I'm running against started repeating this ridiculous Fox News narrative that the reason why COVID is raging in Texas and other places like that is because illegal immigrants are coming over the border, encouraged by this president with COVID and then being put on buses and sent to states. I mean, that's like tinfoil hat stuff. So let's let's call the balls and strikes as we see them. And if you hear something that's crazy, like that. Be responsible. Don't repeat that. In addition to calling out the person who said it, so I'll leave it at that." - Dem. Gov. Phil Murphy, Tinfoil Hat Wearer

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