Tucker Carlson - The "Obama" Variant

3 years ago

So Obama fiddled while Rome burned?
Mask Mandates and Vaccination Gestapo for the Serfs in America, while the "royalty" parties on without a care? Because they are "Sophisticated" (New York Times quote)?
And to quote that Supreme Master of Prevarication - TONY the Flake Fauci on the Sturgis Bike Rally - "A Super-Spreader event", but an indoor party for hundreds not a word?
And that veritable Font of Truth CNN keeps trying to portray the Sturgis Bike Rally in a negative, when the FACTS from last year don't bear that out. Less than 1% came away infected!
And all the "Global Warming" Alarmists (Chicken Little) flew there on their private jets at the same time they try to shove their Green New Deal down the throats of fed up Americans.
Face it America, Masks are useless and so is the vaccine.
This is all designed to dominate us in some way and make us all subservient to the Democrat Party!
Don't fall for it!

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