You're going to have the best day of your life because God says so

3 years ago

Today is going to be a great and prosperous day. #Godisable, #Godisfaithful

People ask me why am I so confident in things going well for me considering all the atrocities in the world today. Well, my emotions is never moved by what I can see or touch because nothing is permanent. Trusting in God has nothing to do with the physical realm. The Bible teaches us that the things that are visible were created by the invisible. What you can see with your eyes and touch with your hands are quickly passing by every second of the day. Everything is temporary including your happiness, there are no absolutes outside of God.

But the faithfulness and love of God is for eternity. As the sun sets and rises faithfully, so is God's faithfulness. He created the constellations to be a token of His faithfulness. His mercy endures forever. He never changes. He kept me all these years. He will continue to keep me and you because He is faithful and greatly to be praised. Once you receive this revelation, you will never question the faithfulness of God again.

Let us not stress today and worship Him together. Even if your life is great, praise Him regardless because you don't know what tomorrow may bring, but one thing is certain, His love and faithfulness will always go before you to ensure your joy. Your victory. His Word precedes you. God is always fighting and pushing back darkness on your behalf.

If you're looking for a reason to trust in God, just look at the sky. He's already moved everything to work in your favor. If he's been working on your behalf what makes you think, He's not going to continue working on your behalf? God never stops fighting for us. Once we obtain this understanding, it will become easy in trusting in God in difficult times, and during prosperity.

Place all your hope, faith, and trust in what God has already done for you through his perfect son Jesus Christ.

Psalms 136:7-8 To Him who made great lights, For his mercy endures forever. The sun to rule by day, For his mercy endures forever.

You're going to have the best day of your life because God says so!

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