3 years ago
NEWS excellent short video is attached.Doctor who did early research on COVID vaccine: HE SAYS THIS IS NOT a pandemic of the unvaccinated. So if it is not why are some saying it is. I base everything I believe on the BIBLE, the Word of God He does not and can not lie to us. So everything I share with you is based on my 45 years of research in the Word of God. I believe there are 2 reasons why we are experiencing world wide dominance and control right now. 1.) Population Control,This is created to hide the deaths we know are occuring from the INJECTIONS from the MRNA experiment. We all know by now there is a strong possibility of large numbers of people dying from the MRNA experimental injections over the next year.
2.) The tracking and tracing. From this they will eventually say there is no way to disifer the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Out of this comes the COVID 19 Passport 🛂 the means of tracking, tracing, and controlling people world wide. This is exactly what the bible calls the mark of the beast. A world wide means of tracking, tracing , and controlling people to the extent they can not buy or sell Revelation 13. This is exactly what is already happening unless you get the injection, AND federal governmental proof you have you can not work. MRNA code name luciferin, number 060606, Mark Passport. Just saying it is happening NOW in other countries and it is coming our way rapidly.
We must fight for the freedom we are to have as a nation regardless what side you are on. Freedom of choice, freedom of speech, right to bare arms. The basic fundamental TRUTH of our constitution.

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