Who's going for us?

3 years ago

"Who's going for us?" is an episode that reveals the severity of this phenomenon known as Gang Stalking.
We do not give glory to the enemy, but I do not see a route where Gang Stalking can be conquered apart from Jesus Christ.

I share three more personal experiences in this video that depict the capability of the Gang Stalkers deceptions.

We review Scripture that describes our enemy and ultimately predicts his next move. But without the Scripture, where would our confidence come from?

As a T.I. I don't believe there is one man able to withstand the enemies capacity, and anyone who thinks they can has not seen all the cards in his deck.

So the question is simple, if no one is able to withstand then:
Who's going for us?

I'll give you a hint:
greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
-1 John 4:4

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