3 years ago

An alarming update on the impending situation in New Mexico with Attorney Ana Garner.
Governor's press release and open letter to businesses:

In light of this press release, watch this from a Mayo trained pathologist and PhD:

Safety of mRNA in pregnant women:

DOJ can be accessed by clicking on "wrote" in this article:

Forced vaccines are violation of the Nuremberg Code:

Other links of interest:

The New Mexico traitors are: Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham; Lt. Gov. Howie Morales; U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich; U.S. Sen. Ben Ray Luján; U.S. Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez; U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury; Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth; Speaker of the House Brian Egolf; Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino, chair of the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee; Sen. Bill Tallman, vice chair of the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee; Sen. Brenda McKenna, member of the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee; Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, member of the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee; Sen. Liz Stefanics, member of the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee; Rep. Deborah Armstrong, chair of the House Health and Human Services Committee; Rep. Joanne Ferrary, vice chair of the House Health and Human Services Committee; Rep. Brittney Barreras, member of the House Health and Human Services Committee; Rep. Karen Bash, member of the House Health and Human Services Committee; Rep. Marian Mathews, member of the House Health and Human Services Committee; Rep. Roger Montoya, member of the House Health and Human Services Committee; Rep. Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson, member of the House Health and Human Services Committee; Commissioner Adriann Barboa of Bernalillo County; Commissioner Debbie O’Malley of Bernalillo County; Commissioner Charlene Pyskoty of Bernalillo County; Commissioner Steven Michael Quezada of Bernalillo County; Doña Ana County Commissioner Shannon Reynolds; Santa Fe County Commissioner Anna Hansen; Mayor Daniel R. Barrone of Taos; Mayor Peter Nieto of Mountainair; and Mayor Alan Webber of Santa Fe.

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Wondering why I have a unicorn in the background ...?

The unicorn has historically been a symbol of the Christ and there is an ancient unicorn prophesy about this time. I am reclaiming it from the LGBTQ movement which has hijacked it along with the rainbow. It is also my art which you can find at:

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