How To Retire Early & Happily

3 years ago

Retirement is not black and white, and you should not think about it in terms of a monetary goal. Think about how you can produce for yourself the things that you want, and need.

If you want organic, free range eggs, get a chicken and treat it that way. If you want clean energy, get solar panels. Own the means of producing the lifestyle you want.

Every year, as you produce more of the things you consume, you will need to spend less money acquiring them on the market. This will free up your resources in a progressive manner, allowing you to save more and more, and/or work less and less.

Furthermore, it is not healthy to spend all of your time in leisure activities. This is a path to diseases like dementia. Many retired people take up hobbies like gardening to entertain themselves, and keep up their health. Why wait until you're retired? Start doing these things now, and retire progressively. Before long, you'll be producing almost everything you need, and you'll be living a healthy lifestyle of diverse activities.

Demonetize your thinking, and demonetize your life.

Here is the article about the 101 year old lobster lady (Virginia Oliver) I mentioned in the video:

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