Dr. Morse's Q&A - 7 Aug. 2021 - Digestive Issues, Acne, Bleeding Gums, Reflux, Hair Loss (#573)

3 years ago

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00:00:00 - Intro
00:05:19 - J_A_B
00:23:28 - Breast Cancer
00:35:19 - Digestive issues, Acne, Bleeding gums, Reflux, Fatigue, Hair loss

05:19 - J_A_B
Dear Dr. Morse......here comes the flood. We knew it was coming right? Many are seeking better answers after being deceived to this level. I have some pressing questions that apply to all of us practitioners. Please share any guidance you feel we need to know in regards to changes incurred due to the "jabs" people have taken. - Debby

23:28 - Breast Cancer
Hello my name is Michael, a friend of mine recently has been diagnosed with breast cancer she is 2 months pregnant or there abouts. She has been recommended that they cut out the baby prematurely. And then she undergoes chemo immediately. She has breast implants. Is there a specific video that Dr Robert has or a something I could show them that would be beneficial to them? Any response would be greatly appreciated thank you for listening to what I have to say. - Michael

35:19 - Digestive issues, Acne, Bleeding gums, Reflux, Fatigue, Hair loss
Hello Dr Morse, I would like to take the opportunity to send my gratitude for all the wonderful videos you have provided over the years. Apologies for the multiple emails as I feel this submission has the most detail. I am 31 years old, 6'1 145lbs from Canada. My health struggles started 12 years ago. Primarily digestive issues, acne, bleeding gums, reflux, fatigue, hair loss and extreme weight loss just to name a few. These are still ongoing issues. - Tyler


Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., M.H. is a board certified and accredited Naturopathic physician, a biochemist and an herbalist. Since 1973, he has owned and operated Natural Health Facilities, including health food stores, naturopathic clinics and herb companies (God’s Herbs, Nature’s Botanical Pharmacy, and Dr. Morse’s Cellular Botanicals). Approaching 50 years of practice, his groundbreaking work and unparalleled tissue specific formulas have helped thousands overcome virtually any condition or serious illness; many of which mainstream medicine labels ‘incurable.’

If you are in crises or any other person is in danger, please contact your local emergency services.

All information/content provided by Dr. Morse’s Herbal Health Club and Dr. Morse’s Schools (“DMHHC & DMS”) is based upon the science of Chemistry and Physics and has been interpreted, simplified, and shared by Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., M.H. Representatives of “DMHHC & DMS” whom provide services or information, do so as empowerment and guidance coaches and not in the capacity of licensed health care providers. All content including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities found on the DrMorsesHerbalHealthClub.com and DrMorsesSchools.com websites, YouTube Channel, and related social media is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics. Neither “DMHHC & DMS” nor the publisher of this material accepts responsibility for accidental or intentional misuse of the opinions contained within these videos, or the consequences which may arise from such.

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