Yes! You, yourself, can diagnose a sociopath

3 years ago

This is your life. You get to decide who will be your friend, who will be your romantic partner, and who you will do business with. You can't pick your relatives, but you can decide whether or not you will continue to interact with them.

In this video, she points out that with every person you meet, you absolutely should look at someone's character — or lack of character — and figure out whether or he or she is a sociopath. When you know the warning signs, it's not that difficult. Then you decide whether or not you will allow this person into your life.

To help you, here's the Lovefraud page that lists the diagnostic criteria for antisocial, narcissistic, borderline, histrionic and psychopathic personality disorders:

Donna Andersen, author of, teaches you to get smart about everyday sociopaths — the master manipulators who live all around us. Ask your questions by chat and Donna will answer. Also:

1. If you want to discuss your situation with someone who may be a sociopath, Donna Andersen offers private, personal consultations.

2. Get Donna Andersen's books, including "Understanding the Sociopath" and "Seduced by a Sociopath."

3. Lovefraud Continuing Education offers webinars for survivors and therapists.

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