Must Watch- Graphene Oxide In Jab and Swabs?- Don't Be Deceived

3 years ago

Again, why is it that we are not allowed to put this on YouTube? Censorship is to keep the truth from getting out. There are four videos included in this video. Two from A Call For an Uprising, A dream from August 6, 2009 about forced vaccinations, and A test of the Swabs. The videos with A Call For An Uprising's videos on graphene oxide being in the Viper Bite vaccine that isn't a vaccine. I also included a test of the test swabs done at high magnification. Jesus is coming any day, so don't take the vaccine and if you have, please repent and ask God to heal your body and then tell others not to take it. Read the Bible daily and obey what you read. Repent and be born again- John 3, Acts 2:38, Revelation 1-3.

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