August 8, 2021

3 years ago

Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA platform discusses the fact that Dr Anthony Fauci and western governments do not have any real strategy for dealing with COVID-19. He said the genetic modification agent being used as a vax is leaky and loses efficacy after 6 months. It also is the cause of variants and does not stop the vaccinated from transmission or from again testing positive. He said Fauci is now pivoting to the use of anti virals like Ivermectin but because it is cheap is waiting to introduce a similar patented product that will be far more expensive. There is a short clip of Fauci stating he wants to use an Ivermectin like pill as soon as a person is diagnosed so that patients are treated immediately not waiting until the body has an inflammatory response which is when the body is damaged. Fauci’s pivot also infers he is acknowledging the mRNA gene therapy vax is not a real solution especially for young people.

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