Pii PP. XI Motu Proprio "Plenitudine potestatis" (10 Mar. 1926) pro causa Rev. Dom. M. d’Herbigny SJ

3 years ago

Pii PP. XI Motu Proprio "Plenitudine potestatis" (10 Mar. 1926) pro causa Rev. Dom. M. d’Herbigny SJ


Pius PP. XI
Motu Proprio
Plenitudine potestatis Apostolicae deputamus in Nostrum Delegatum Michaelem d’Herbigny,S.J. Episcopum titularem Ilionensis ad fines Nobis notos, cum omnibus opportunis et necessariis facultatibus. Datum Romae apud S. Petrum, die x mensis Martii MCMXXVI Pontificatus Nostri anno quinto.

Pope Pius XI By the fullness of Apostolic power we depute as Our Delegate Michel d’Herbigny titular Bishop of Troy for the territory known to us, with all opportune and necessary faculties. Given at Rome at St. Peter, 10th day of March 1926 in the 5th year of Our Pontificate.

“On 10 March 1926, the same pope Pius XI dictated the same motu proprio to the benefit of Monseigneur d’Herbigny (S.J.) . The photocopy of the letter has been taken from the book of Father Paul Lesourd, published by the Lethielleux Editions under the title “Le Jesuite clandestin”: Motu Proprio Pius XI, Pope By virtue of the plenitude of the Apostolic power, we appoint as our Delegate Michel d’Herbigny (S.J.), titular bishop of Troie, whom we invest with all the appropriate and necessary powers, for purposes known to us. Done in Rome at St. Peter, on 10 March 1926, the fifth year of our pontificate. Pius XI, Pope

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