Israeli Doc Admits 85-90% In Hospital Are Fully Vaccinated, 95% In SERIOUS Condition

3 years ago

Israeli Doc Admits On Evening News That 85-90% In Hospital Are Fully Vaccinated, 95% In SERIOUS Condition

Dr. Kobi Haviv spoke to Channel 13 News yesterday and the report from the hospital was earth-shaking:

"95% of the severe patients are vaccinated".
"85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people."
"We are opening more and more COVID wards."
"The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out"

This breaking news adds to the already damaging reports to the COVID vaccines which seem to have much lower efficacy than originally reported, as well as a faster fade-out than originally estimated.

According to previous reports out of Isreal, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, the efficacy of the Pfizer shot is 39%, far lower than its claim of 89%. Doctors also reported that after 6 months, patients have almost no protection at all.

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