literally in bed w/ technology that gives em diseases

3 years ago

if i don't like the answers or don't receive answers...
yes we have full on conversations, why do i need a man
the actual answers...
i'm a lazy piece a shit, this is what society does
replace smartphone w/ a book
instead of tv you have families having conversations
instead of netflix you have couples talking to eachother
instead of fast food, people cook for those they care about
instead of relying on apps they carpool
man, i miss that shit
human interaction vs. screen time
oh shit
going along w/ the world vs. yours truly
i'm not judging you
i am an old fogie bitching about kids these days
leaving cos lighting is gone
i'll never understand this mentality
getting married to a lying whore...going along w. this culture
this is a damn good analogy
married to technology
let's not go into the viruses, over it
this way out...the Lord
you choose to reject/forsake Him!
day in /day out you choose wrong
...why we can predict stuff in this world
"crazy" just means awareness
objects placed in front of you liable to make you crazy
rejection of modern world comes from God
i wish i could pass this don't have to keep choosing these things

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