Kenneth Samples | Christianity Cross-Examined | Steve Brown, Etc. | Key Life

3 years ago

"Does God command genocide in the Bible?" Have an answer for that one? This week, Steve and the gang chat with author and professor Kenneth Samples about the changing role of apologetics in a post-modern culture. Kenneth's new book is called "Christianity Cross-Examined: Is it Rational, Relevant, and Good?" (

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Philosopher, theologian, and professor Kenneth Samples is a senior research scholar at Reasons to Believe. He earned a BA from Concordia University and an MA from Talbot School of Theology. Kenneth’s articles have been published in Christianity Today, Christian Research Journal, and Facts for Faith and he’s spoken at churches and schools around the world. Kenneth has written several books and his latest is called "Christianity Cross-Examined: Is it Rational, Relevant, and Good?" (

00:00 - Open
02:52 - Meet Kenneth Samples
04:20 - How has our culture changed?
06:35 - What is the post-modern mindset like?
07:09 - The two types of atheists
09:59 - Is Christianity a force for good?

13:59 - Early on, the two biggest people groups to become Christians were women and slaves
17:20 - "People don't get their rights from government; they get them from God."
19:57 - Kenneth's experience defending the Bible on Twitter
22:07 - Kenneth's Twitter story continued

26:08 - Did God command genocide in the Old Testament?
29:26 - More about the destruction of the Canaanites

35:15 - For Kenneth, the most compelling argument for God is...

37:50 - Steve's closing thoughts
40:07 - Next week's guest is...

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