VLOG Called 911and got Voicemail, Times Have Changed

3 years ago

Music by Send Rain
VLOG some cool facts about time and the changes it brings?

Don't Fear The Reaper/Blue Oyster Cult May 1976 45 years ago.

In the song are the lyrics “Another 40,000 coming everyday”.

That number in 2021 is up to 150,000 a day.

Life span for men and woman had decreased sense 2019 for the first time in several decades Men 75.1 was 77.3 we lost 1.2 years, woman 80.5 was 79.6 they lost .09 years.

The reason women live longer than men is they go to the doctor and do less stupid stuff?

I just heard another fact “70 years ago in the 1950's the average pagan had higher morals than the average professing Christian today.

I'm 68 and the world I grew up in is long gone. People were nice to each other, people had manners, and self respect. Bad language was reserved for when you stubbed your toe.

You screwed up and the media (60 minutes, 20/20) got a hold of the story you were toast. Now the media is owned by the highest bidder.

One of the signs of the End Times is “Love growing cold or disappearing?”

Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Abortion; People today use abortion as birth control, zero love for the child.

Murder; people kill at random, gang initiation, drug dealers over turf, no love for their fellow man.

People shoot at random and stray bullets hit children and it barely makes the news.

Murders are happening everyday across America in our cities NYC and Chicago are among the most dangerous in the world?

Why because people could care less about anyone but themselves, we are the “Me” generation.

Mat 22:39b Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (God doesn't change)
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