Forced Vaccines Dream from August 6, 2009 and Laodicean Church- Jesus is Coming RU Ready?

3 years ago

August 6, 2009 JesusisComingRU Ready had this dream. My friend at Watchgate Channel on YouTube put it up, and they immediately removed it. The censorship against Christians shows that the prophecies are being fulfilled. Jesus really is coming back at any moment. The church is lukewarm and Jesus said that they will be left behind. Repent and get right with the Lord.

Original vaccine dream video-

Watchgate Channel-
Repost from Thirstyfortruth

This is the best investment you can make both in this life and the life to come! The life to come is forever because your soul is eternal! You don't just cease to exist when this life ends... My point is You DON'T have to go to Hell anymore for your sins. Without Christ, we stand condemned before a Holy God and Hell is our default-destination. But NOW, God through Christ has come down and made another Way for you! HE himself has become our perfect sacrifice for our sins unto God. Trading for our sins, he exchanged us HIS very own Righteousness on that Cross! Yes, he declares you Righteous when you decide to put your faith in Jesus and NOT on your good deeds! Yes, you can become a Child of God today.

Oh how marvelous is his perfect work! 🎶

You CAN enjoy Everlasting Life with God in a beautiful place called Heaven he has prepared for you! You can enjoy Peace, Love, Joy unimaginable and walk on streets of gold when God himself becomes your true light.

Have YOU heard this Good News?

"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." ~ Acts 4:12

Repent and come to faith in CHRIST today friends! :)


Pray this prayer sincerely to know you are saved.

Jesus, I believe You came to earth, I believe You died on the Cross for my sins. I believe You rose again on the third day and went back to Heaven to prepare a place for Your children to live with You forever. Please forgive me of my sins. Clean my heart, white as snow. Come live in my heart and baptize me with the Holy Spirit and fire, make me a child of the King, a new creature in Christ, in Your precious name I ask this...Amen.

Start a daily life of Repentance, of reading the Word and Praying as you walk with him and OBEY whatever he tells you in your heart!

If this is your first time reading the Word, I'd suggest starting in the New Testament. Just ask the Holy Spirit to teach you his Word and give you understanding. Start with any of the 4 Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke or John) and then read the book of Romans.

Get Water Baptized too (This is a public display of your old self dying with Christ and going under water signifies burial and coming up out of water signifies being raised to new life with Jesus). I'd suggest finding one person locally that can help you with this since churches are closed at the moment.

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