4th Officer at Capitol Breech Punches His Own Ticket | Journalist Shook by Firing AR-15

3 years ago

The Fourth Cop that responded to the Capitol Hill Breech on January 6th checked out in horrendous fashion earlier in the month. Seems to be an awful lot of unanswered questions surrounding the circumstances, hopefully a "Bipartisan" Commission takes a look into that...

Veterans in general are checking out at an alarming rate. Over 30,000 former personnel have self deleted since the outset of the Afghanistan/Iraq Wars in the wake of 9/11; compared to the 7,000 active duty casualties. Absolutely atrocious statistics.

A bastion of masculinity, went down the firing range, presumably his Wife's Boyfriend kicked him out of the house, to see what it's like to fire an AR-15. It was very traumatic for this little idiot, so much so that he compared it to having a "meteor land right in front of you". Your Journalist Class, ladies and gentlemen...

The Epoch Times 1: https://www.theepochtimes.com/4th-police-officer-who-was-at-jan-6-capitol-breach-dies-by-suicide_3930825.html
ET2: https://www.theepochtimes.com/americas-veterans-are-killing-themselves-at-an-alarming-rate_3918982.html
The Federalist: https://thefederalist.com/2021/08/06/triggered-political-journo-says-shooting-ar-15-for-the-first-time-felt-like-a-meteor/

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#CapitolBreech #Veterans #Traumatic

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