REPLAY- Children's Health Defense Canada, Experts LIVE event

3 years ago

Thank you so much for watching. The kids are not alright and the situation is heartbreaking and dire. As we fight to ensure our children hold on to their rights and freedoms, not only in a general sense, but including, within such settings as the Educational institutions from Primary to Post Secondary, we keep our eyes looking forward to the world we are creating.

Thank you! to all of the guest experts for taking the time to speak and share the knowledge they have with us. Listen closely to the info being presented and see where it pertains and applies to you.

Now is the time to take action and whether it be by participating, sharing this content or donating to the Children’s legal case, or speaking up for what is right, everything counts!

Our amazing guests had some very eye opening things to say, and you can hear it for yourself in the video.

Thank you to our Legal Experts:

Robert Kennedy Jr. is the Founder, Chief Counsel, and Chairman of the Board for Children’s Health Defense National, known for his fierce and relentless brand of environmental activism and his advocacy for transparent government and rigorous science.

Mary Holland is the President of Children's Health Defense National and a brilliant Human Rights Lawyer.

Rocco Galati, is the Top Canadian constitutional expert lawyer in Canada and the executive director and founder of the Constitutional Rights Centre.

Amina Sherazee is Human Rights legal expert and the Operational Director of CRC, specializing in women's and children's human rights in Canada.

Dominic Desjarlais is an independent lawyer in Quebec Canada, who has a case filed in the courts challenging the, validity, constitutionality and legitimacy of the provincially imposed measures. Our education representative from Educators for Human Rights,

Thank you to our Science, Medical and Ethics Experts.

Dr. Byram Bridle, received graduate training in immunology at the University of Guelph and then postdoctoral training as a viral immunologist at McMaster University.

Dr. Michael Palmer, is an internationally educated chemistry professor and MD at University of Waterloo

And Dr. Julie Ponesse, an ethics professor at Western University with a background in bioethics

Another HUGE thanks to Rajie Kabli and WholeHearted Media for their time and collaboration on this project. It wouldn’t have been possible without you!

If you feel compelled to help us with our Children’s Education Legal Case, please visit the and donate to the Education Action

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