A Tale of Two US Borders: In Canada Only Vaxxed May Enter and in Mexico Only Unvaxxed May Enter

3 years ago

Earlier this week we heard Florida Governor Ron DeSantis scold Joe Biden over his handling of the migrants entering the United States via the now (unprotected) southern border. DeSantis told Biden that he does not want to hear from Biden regarding vaccinations until he takes care of the thousands of migrants flooding in to the USA from Mexico and possibly bringing in more Coronavirus variants. Mean while up at the northern border with Canada Biden has continued to keep it sealed up and even as Canada moves forward with letting double vaccinated American's enter Canada on August 9th, Biden has not given a re-open date to Canada; however, August 21st is being mentioned as a possible date to let double vaccinated Canadian's to enter/visit the United States for the first time since March 15th, 2020. The question that needs to asked is: why is Biden playing hardball with Canada (who now leads the majority of nations in double vaxxed citizens, yet he is letting hundreds of thousands of unvaxxed migrants from 'parts unknown' to enter the US from Mexico - both legally and illegally?


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