Whistleblower says at least 45,000 deaths from Vaccines in USA. Thomas Renz files suit.

3 years ago

Whether concocted or not by G7 leaders, the Covid Pandemic has presented an unprecedented opportunity for power hungry Western Governments, Marxists, Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Corrupt Media. They are all in this together.

In pursuit of Zero Covid, wealthy politicians have enacted emergency laws, instituted arbitrary and widespread lockdowns and imposed unsupportable medical mandates. Instead of saving lives, Governments have destroyed lives, put public health at risk and globally have demolished millions of small businesses. While Western Governments have done the unimaginable, and snatched away fundamental freedoms, including free speech, there’s been no scrutiny from most of the media; including from so called conservative commentators.

These Governments will not admit to Zero Covid or Covid Elimination, strategies. They speak of Covid Suppression with the promise of re-instituting freedoms under coercive mass vaccination programs. Zero Covid, Pre-Covid Normal, Mass Vaccination with Boosters? Sounds reasonable doesn’t it?

Thomas Renz is the lead Attorney in several major cases throughout the US against the CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, regarding the COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, business closures, false PCR data, fraudulent death numbers and more.

Attorney Thomas Renz works with and represents America's Frontline Doctors, Make Americans Free Again, and Ohio Stands Up.

A government related computer programmer, who works in health care data analytics, believes there are at least 45,000 vaccine-related deaths.

Thomas Renz is the attorney moving forward on these startling revelations.

Asia Pacific Today. 6 August, 2021

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