Amended Data & statistics showing the computer Algorithm used in the Georgia election sham vid 344

3 years ago

I have amended the spread sheet as I went along and written down the data and statistics of the raw footage clips that are going to follow this download from 90% onward in case it helps anyone better comprehend that they are looking at the recorded progress of a run logic cycle computer generated Algorithm in action for the Georgia runoff election sham. Just by looking at the percentage Colum alone you will be able to see that once it has performed a calculation on one set of candidates it either at the same time or straight after preforms the exact same calculation on the other set of candidates with a mere difference of a digit or two here or there. The reason for the small difference is the small difference of the size of gap ratio at the specific moment in time & quantity of votes and that is also being controlled by another part of the Algorithm. As an example taken from the data, Loeffler and Perdue have the higher tally of 2041230 (60.9%) ,2061309 (64.8%) and Warnock 1955810 (35.1%) and Ossoff 1941338 (35.2% ),but in any event is performing the same set of calculations on both sets of candidates in turn isn't it. the purpose of that part of the algorithm is to maintain the specified gap ratio so as to make for easier quantity control calculations for the other You will see it pop up all throughout the evening to control and steer the results in the right pre-determined direction in amongst it adding and taking away and often taking from both at the same time. The purpose of that part of the algorithm is to achieve the correct final vote tally that will in conjunction with other candidates/counties give the pre-determined final overall tally for the the state as a whole for Biden that would have been entered into the computer before the election started. You will also see patterns of numbers gong round and round and repeating in machine production cycles that have absolutely have 0% to do with the randomness of reality and the real world. Poor old Loeffler kept being kicked back to previous vote tally numbers like 2121164 on multiple occasions. The first ten lines appear to be a holding pattern whilst it made the calculations to prepare for the later flip. then it made a more 50/50 double calculation which I assume is make the eventual flip seem less jarring although the sheer volume of Trump votes I think messed it up because when the big flip of 140k ballot dump for Warnock and 130k dump for Ossoff came later it still wasn't enough to put Ossoff in the lead and it felt pretty jarring to me I can tell you.. after that there is a calculation for both sets in the 70-20 ratio range which may have been fine tuning or may have been an attempt to fabricate an appearance of randomness. there is a Veritas undercover vid where one of the hired Soros democratic election fraud goons is saying that they work on the principle that they are going to get caught and go to court and so start from there and work backwards so as to eliminate creating evidence. That is straight out of the Soros play book. However as the exact same calculation is then performed on the other set of candidates seconds later it not only ruins that effect but it does in point of fact provide more evidence of a computer generated algorithm logic cycle in progress doesn't it, So I am going to award them a D- for application and effort there. I have noticed several events where it flicks to a different vote tally in the blink of an eye before a recalculation event so that there is in fact two calculations that if not separated or spotted will give different looking results for percentage of votes per calculation between the two sets of candidates. I will be honest, I think that one is a bit more clever. Unfortunately for them though I have the eyes of a hawk so it is still poo sucks to be them though I am afraid. I have now written them down where I have seen them and I paused one and then went frame by frame to show it and then calculated the two sets of calculation instead of as one and the seemingly random set of calculations suddenly became identical ones between the two sets of candidates. It now looks like the random looking ones have had that done and I amended the original spreadsheet where I saw it.

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