PART 2 - Decision Day: Come Hear the Evidence

3 years ago

PART 2 - Decision Day: Come Hear the Evidence

Live video from the Deltaplex Arena in Grand Rapids, MI - July 24th, 2021

In order of screen appearance:
00:00:00 - Justin Barclay
00:00:48 - Dave Agema
00:09:31 - Rep. Mark Finchem (AZ)
00:35:46 - Rep. Steve Carra (MI)
00:39:53 - Rep. Daire Rendon (MI)
00:44:03 - General Mike Flynn (video)
00:45:28 - Steve Deace
01:01:52 - Ann Vandersteel
01:12:12 - Seth Keshel

#decisionday #comeheartheevidence #grandrapids | #justinbarclay #daveagema #markfinchem #stevecarra #dairerendon #mikeflynn #stevedeace #annvandersteel #sethkeshel

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