Poor Texas Spiny Lizard 😢

3 years ago

Yesterday's intake. A seriously injured and crippled juvenile female Texas Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus olivaceus). 😢 She was often seen around the person's home in recent months, until her dog finally had success in attacking her. They've had her for about a week, without medical treatment or food, but say they weren't able to find me until yesterday. IDK. Despite the fact that plenty of unethical people in other organizations around here will sandbag animals and not tell the public that a reptile rescue even exists here, I don't really think they searched that hard until yesterday, when they feared she was finally on her way out. Because, I have been told over and over by other locals that they are finding me one way or another when they actually search for a reptile rescue, or, they ask Kemp Wildlife and are referred to me that way. A lot of people just think they can do things on their own and don't get serious about trying to find the animal experienced help until it's too late.

She has visible wounds on her chest, suspected spinal trauma, and rear limb paresis, which is limiting her ability to walk. She can move her back legs when sufficiently stimulated though, so I'm hopeful that she can recover most of her mobility with anti-inflammatories and time in a protected environment. Since she hasn't eaten in at least a week, she will have to be assisted with tube fed nutrition.

I ended last month nearly $700 underwater on expenses for this rescue. You can help by making a donation today, so that I can keep helping those animals that have no one else who will help them. There are no government grants. No corporate sponsors. Just me, and less than a dozen recurring donors who believe that these animals need help...

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