Why the corrupt leftist media is the enemy of the people

3 years ago

In a nutshell, the mainstream media, or what I call the Corrupt Leftist Media (CLM), for decades have allowed the Democrats to get away with just about anything. President Obama weaponizes his agencies (including intelligence agencies) and the CLM looks the other way. Hillary Clinton commits numerous felonies and nothing to see there. The Clintons have been running a crime operation since the 1980s and none of this is of any interest to the CLM. However, if Donald Trump says something positive about Vladimir Putin, he is a Russian agent and needs to be removed from office. This dishonest 2-tiered system has led this country to the dysfunction and corruption that has sadly become accepted, particularly by Democrats. Well, actually most Democrat voters have no idea what is even going on thanks to the CLM. And, worst of all, it has turned the Republican Party into a party of sniveling cowards who are afraid of their own shadows and overwhelmed by the PC Police in the media. I contend that if you look at nearly every problem we face in this country, you can boil it down to corrupt politicians enabled by the malpractice of the Corrupt Leftist Media. The CLM has singlehandedly destroyed our entire political system. This can only change when the American citizens wake up and push back.

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