The Solution The Founders Way

3 years ago

The Founders included in the Constitution the Fix of Article V... the States' Right to convene a meeting to solve future issues... I
,,,Issues that the National Government might not want fixed as they would probably be the problem..!!
Our Country has marched steadily towards Socialism since President Wilson. And the Statist Left has had over 100+ Years of Success in their policies.
The Opponents on the Left know that Article V can destroy that success merely by restoring the original intent of the Constitution.!!
And the Opponents on the Right have been trying their different approaches to stop the Leftist march and these approaches have failed miserably for over 50 years... Zero Success in stopping the Left and their Socialist agenda.
Meanwhile, these Opponents on the Right have been stalling every effort of the Conservative Movement to use Article V to overturn Roe v Wade, to enact a Balanced Budget, to impose Term Limits and more.
An Article V Amendments Convention is just a diplomatic meeting with the agenda tightly confined to topics limited in resolutions agreed to by 34 States... That's It... Nothing Else.!!!
Here's what the Founders gave us to use to Fix the mess we are in.!!

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