Better Call Your Retirement Office! How Much of Your Money $ Went To The CCP?

3 years ago

This is Freaking Scary

I am not trying to start a panic. I am trying to give everyone a heads-up.

You better be damn concerned and don't let any MONKEY tell you this is a "Conspiracy Theory"! It just happened and it is real!

Personally, I have 28 Years with a State Employer and was planning to go at 32 years.

Do I retire now to keep the demonic hands of the Chinese Communist Party OFF my money? Or do they just frickin' get it anyway?

We the People are being sold "Down-The-River" on a annual and daily basis. We need to be damn concerned!

The "Players" in this BS, who are "geniuses" (not) need to be behind bars for their reckless disregard on our behalf and on America's behalf as a whole.

Damn I am SO pissed! You all should be too! Twenty-Eight (28) years so far of my really in the toilet?
Their hand on the flush handle?
Are you freakin' kidding me?

...and people wonder why I drink!

Let's get this Biden Regime and all the criminals who facilitate it out of our house and behind bars at Gitmo NOW!!


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