The Living Prophet

3 years ago

...'In every generation - even before the resurrection of Moshe - it is relevant to know the law that "G-d gives prophecy to mankind." It is within the grasp of the created to experience a true revelation of G-dliness, even to the degree of perfection that was attained by Moshe. Furthermore - relevant to every generation is "I will establish for them a prophet like you," as the Rambam explains: "We do not believe in any prophet that arises after Moshe our Teacher only because of the sign [he performs], but because of the mitzvah commanded by Moshe in the Torah, etc." This means that every prophet is a continuation of the prophecy of Moshe and his Torah. As the Rambam explains, it is only in the manifestation of the prophecy that there exists different levels. In our generation, it is my sainted father-in-law who has attained the degree of prophecy....

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