How Marco Rubio Will Ride a UFO into the White House

3 years ago

In this video you will learn how Senator Marco Rubio will ride a UFO into the White House, but first…

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You'll want to stick around ‘til the end of this video when we give you our exclusive take on how aliens might totally derail Marco Rubio's political career.

Well before the alleged UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, Americans have reported seeing strange craft and meeting other worldly beings. Before European settlement, indigenous peoples had the same experiences.

There’s no way to cover in this short video the decades of UFO history and conspiracy theory relating to these phenomena. It’s vast, deep, unbelievable, stupefying, and full of stories that are sometimes hard to believe.

But let’s just scratch the surface…

In 2020, Florida Senator Rubio, as Acting Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, did the unthinkable…

He included language in the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which was stuffed into the Covid Relief package.

I won't belabor the machinations of Congress in this video (we'll leave that to school house rock)… But as usual, they've decreed numerous far-reaching new statutes on a wide array of unrelated topics, slapped it all together in 5,000 pages of totally ad hoc text in a single bill, and given members 14 seconds to read it before calling it to a final vote.

As Nancy Pelosi famously once said during the debates for the “Obama Care” legislation “You have to vote on it to know what’s in it”.


The language directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to submit a report to congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena [aka UFOs]. The bill passed and was signed by then-President Donald Trump without much fanfare, save for Fox News.

So let's examine the following...

Is Marco genuinely concerned about unknown objects constantly in our controlled airspace and all the associated national security risks of uber-advanced space technology not controlled by the US military?


As a typical politician, has Marco seized on a politically expedient, if counter intuitive gambit to ride the UFO phenomenon to the White House amidst increasing acceptance by the mainstream of the possibility that there is sophisticated extraterrestrial life on our planet?

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