Codename Infastructure: Decrypts to "Taxes and Totalitarianism"

3 years ago


Darren Edmundson
Published on Feb 23, 2021

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Electricity_-_Lasers_from_SPACE_-_UTILITIES_Have_a_BIG_SECRET_and_SUN_TAX_-_RAIN_TAX: NEW
Published on Feb 17, 2019

Electricity - Lasers from SPACE UTILITIES Have a "BIG" SECRET
SUN TAX - RAIN TAX and much more news the GREEN "NEW" Deal IS a Done Deal

Utilities MOVING to Electrification/Microwave from Space-Based Power Systems - Expanded Targeting

Increased TAXES on ALL Based upon Placing Values on Natural Capital, soil, grass, trees, coral reefs, AIR and Rain and more.

The Green NEW Deal is a Done Deal - This green deal IS the Climate Action Plans which have "already" been adopted in your cities, counties, states and all countries, worldwide. These plans will shut down all economies, allow prosperity for a very select few, limit all use of resources, i.e. water, natural gas, propane, electricity, food, travel, use of personal transportation, and more. Plus, we are required to retrofit ALL buildings with the green energy requirements that PROMISE to reduce climate change effects by reducing our C02 emissions if we OBEY with the schemes.

Take a look at YOUR Climate Action Plan and get ready to "kiss your gas goodbye".

Search the Solaren Corporation and the utility contracts with PG&E.

Watch our previous YouTube video on called

FIRES "WORLDWIDE" - SPACE BASED WEAPONS PG&E - Solaren Corp - Russian Patent and More

Electricity Beamed to Earth from Outer Space - a worldwide plan -

We are being told how researchers are bolding going where NO WATT HAS GONE BEFORE.

Where the Sun Always Shines

Solar radiation is the most promising form of space-based power. While a growing solar energy industry already exists, outsourcing to space will help solve a lot of issues. Land-based solar power is limited by night, cloud cover and the atmosphere. In space, the sun never goes away.

(Note: Ground based solar is limited by cloud cover due to the aerosol spraying (Geoengineering) that has caused solar dimming.

Solar panels in space will be attached to orbiting satellites. The electricity generated would be transformed to microwaves and lasers and sent wirelessly the Earth, where it will be converted back to electricity.

This "Revolution-ARY" system has been planned for many decades and is being served up to electric utility customers Worldwide! Provides patents that include weather control, targeting with beam lasers and more.

Multiple countries are engaged in this new secret electric energy program with the Solaren Corporation. PG&E aka Rothschild is also engaged in solar markets along with the United States (USA, Inc.), China, India, Japan and more . . .

Published on Nov 18, 2019




a Rockefeller "Predatory" Property DEBT and Foreclosure Scheme!
We have provided an "example" of how YOUR county or city approves these loans on your behalf by attaching the County of Sonoma - Authorization for Third-Party PACE Financing Project in Unincorporated Sonoma County - Please understand this is an "example" of what you WILL find in YOUR city or County.

To participate in the city or county Residential PACE Program, YOUR city or county must pass a resolution to opt in.

We refer to PACE LOANS here, however, please know there are many Green Energy Loans offered by other Rockefeller/Rothschild Financing lenders, as you will see below.



Your cities have "already" adopted Climate Action PLANS requiring YOU to reduce GHG green house gas emissions.

Each and everyone of us will be "Forced" into upgrading (retrofitting) our homes and businesses with energy efficient wireless appliances IN ORDER TO COMPLY with sustainable energy reduction goals.

Some examples of retrofit schemes are:
Replace heating and cooling systems - to electric ONLY,
Replace thermostats,
High energy efficiency window replacements (caution with the windows - some high efficiency windows magnify the sun light, focusing a beam which can cause ignition and fire),
No more incandescent light bulbs (caution LED's cause many illnesses - see our video "LED Lights - a Silent Weapons Assault".
More RETROFIT REQUIREMENTS replace roofs to cool roofs, solar requirements and battery back-up storage (caution with batteries - Lithium Ion Batteries can explode causing fires that are difficult to extinguish).

These energy loans will assist in paying for electrical work necessary to eliminate natural gas everything, and replace with ALL ELECTRIC. Natural gas is being eliminated in new and existing buildings.

Retrofits will be required and enforced by code enforcement officers. Buildings that are NOT retrofitted with energy efficient improvements will be cited and code violations will be issued and violations must be remedied in order to, to purchase, or to finance the greenretrofitting that is required.

PACE Programs finance energy efficiency, water conservation, and seismic strengthening improvements.

According to PACE LITERATURE - WE are eligible to over "90" energy improvements

Energy Efficient ALL Smart Wireless Appliances, kitchen and bathroom faucets that are wireless and connect to your wireless water meters to allocate and reduce your water and electric consumption, remotely.

Other examples of qualifying projects include high efficiency air conditioners and heating systems, windows, cool roofs, insulation, rooftop solar panels and smart irrigation systems, water conservation, artificial turf (look up how artificial turf degrades and the into a toxic plastic and leaches into the soil and water supplies), drought-tolerant landscaping, drip irrigation, bathroom and kitchen upgrades, to name a few.

PACE means Property Assessed Clean Energy


These Rockefeller Loans are FUNDING the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action Plans that require retrofitting of ALL structures, worldwide. (Read the 17 Sustainable Development Goals - read #11 )


Executive order link:


The River Mersey
Published on Apr 16, 2012

Published on 16 Apr 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Total criminal take over now in progress! Provision that allows feds to suspend passports of accused tax delinquents expected to pass Congress.
Efforts to pass a bill that would allow the IRS to deny travel rights to U.S. citizens who the feds merely claim owe $50,000 or more in delinquent taxes represents a de facto move to revoke the citizenship of Americans without due process and in complete violation of the Constitution.

Thanks to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a recently passed Senate bill, the suitably Orwellian entitled 'Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act', includes a provision that allows the federal government to revoke passports of Americans accused of owing back taxes.

The legislation now moves to the Congress where, despite a Republican majority, the IRS provision is expected to be retained in the final version of the bill because it will raise an estimated $750 million dollars over ten years.
"There is no requirement that the tax payer be guilty of or even charged with tax evasion, fraud, or any criminal offense — only that the citizen is alleged to owe the IRS back taxes of $50,000 or more," reports the Daily Economist.

Empowering the IRS to deny fundamental rights on a whim is completely illegal and unconstitutional.

"There are also numerous Supreme Court precedents protecting these same rights," writes Jack Swint. "Furthermore, the law appears to violate Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 of the United States Constitution, which forbids "Bills of Attainder", which are laws providing for the punishment of an individual without benefit of judicial process."

"It takes away your right to enter or exit the country based upon a non-judicial IRS determination that you owe taxes," Constitutional Attorney Angel Reyes told FOX Business. "It's a scary thought that our congressional representatives want to give the IRS the power to detain US citizens over taxes, which could very well be in dispute."
What's next? If the feds can bar you from leaving the country merely by claiming you have committed some infraction without having to provide any evidence, the prospect of Americans being abducted and interned indefinitely under the National Defense Authorization Act with a similar absence of due process is just around the corner.

Will citizens have their drivers license cancelled if the state claims they are behind on their property taxes? How about the government working with big banks to suspend credit cards if an individual is accused of avoiding inheritance or capital gains tax? Will similar punitive measures of punishment be enforced for Americans who attempt to avoid mandatory government health care?

Presumably because the provision was introduced by Harry Reid, there is a noticeable absence of uproar from the left even though the bill would achieve in one fell swoop what civil libertarians have fought against during the course of over ten years of the 'war on terror' -- the ability of the federal government to arbitrarily strip Americans of the inherent rights associated with their citizenship status.

While U.S. citizens will be treated as guilty until proven innocent with regard to tax delinquency under this bill, individuals and corporations that have avoided hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes continue to escape any scrutiny whatsoever from the IRS.

Forget $50,000 dollars, people like Warren Buffett owe nearly one billion dollars in back taxes going back a decade, but I doubt you'll see Buffett being apprehended by the TSA on his next business trip if this bill passes Congress.
This has nothing to do with cracking down on large scale tax criminals and everything to do with greasing the skids for the federal government to randomly deny Americans the right to mobility, effectively revoking their citizenship, merely on hearsay alone.


Published on Dec 5, 2019

The protest in Canberra. Post by Paul R I think is very relevant to Australia, by his brother.
I feel it is so informative and important that we all know this that I am posting here in full.
Gee its embarrassing to see how many Aussie have no idea of their own history.
Its criminal that many know more about overseas history than their own.
This is why they should have never taken Australian history out of our schools.
A short Little history lesson then .
1901 The Commonwealth of Australia was formed under the Imperial Christian protestant Crown.
Right after federation we had a flag competition to design our new flag as a united Commonwealth people and the people selected a 6 pointed Red ensign as our national flag .(This represented the people as the highest Authority with our sovereignty vested in our head of state the Imperial Crown monarch .)
In 1903 the King approved a slightly different design, still a red ensign six pointed star .
The government was assigned the blue ensign of the same
design. In 1908 the first change to that design came into affect with a extra point added to the Commonwealth star due to the Commonwealth picking up PNG as part of our territories. This flag flew until 1954. All our Anzacs ww1 ww2 proudly rallied under our red ensign flags of the Commonwealth people. In fact the blue was strictly government use only and the people were actively discouraged from flying the government Blue ensign.
Our first parliament house in Canberra 1920s was opened under the red ensign.
Under this flag and Imperial Crown common law and our Constitution reigned supreme.
We were free men and women under the creator of all things.
Our land was fee simple, no rent/ rates required, you bought the land you owned the land plain and simple . Taxation of free men and women was unlawful and taxes only effected acts of commerce. We were free to travel by any means necessary and free from parliament intervention fee or license. We had the right to be presumed innocent until factually proven guilty according to law by a court of competent jurisdiction. (NOTE by CIRNOW: Tried before a Jury of 12 of our peers) Our unalienable rights under god protected reserved and enforced. Local Councils were abolished under our Constitution and merely provided maintenance and collected rubbish at the will of the people, Councils had no authority to make laws or charge fines, fees or otherwise.
So what changed and what's the difference I hear many say?
Well pay good attention . In 1954 treason against our Commonwealth started in a big way
#scottmorrison #unlawfulaustraliangovernment #australianconstitution
Our Crown was changed to the St Edwards crown, realm roman Catholic, not only against our Commonwealth law but also against the act of Settlement 1701uk. Look it up. We all know how much the Romans loved extorting the people of freedoms life and wealth don't we? 🤔. To add insult to injury so to speak, then our prime minister at the time, Menzies, changed our national flag to the Government blue ensign, stating that government now reigned supreme over the people -- effectively making us slaves to our own creation called Parliament.All done with No referendum.
Since then there's been trespass after trespass against the free men and women of the Commonwealth. The Australia act... Unidroit... Usufruct'...
Many treaties and agreements made without the people's approval -- the list is astounding.
Many don't even know that we are all 1% Shareholders in the Common wealth.
Our Commonwealth is all our resources and assets as a nation .
That common wealth paid for all the infrastructure and services we as a people could ever require. Our role as a free people was to work to provide for our families and increase our personal wealth. Politicians have since just about given all our assets away by privatisation and then charge us tax to pay for what our Commonwealth has already paid for .
Two bites of the same cherry right there.
Its hard to put over 70 years worth of trespass on here obviously, so this is only touching the surface of the trespass against us.
Every individual was free to live as they chose as long as one did not commit harm or invade the rights of others.
Many, like myself, have spent years and 1000s of hours researching these things and we have the evidence to prove every bit of what we know and state.
Again This is just a very brief history lesson.
If you the people gave a crap to research you to would be pissed off as much as many of us fighting to restore what has been taken from us.
Our Anzacs gave their lives for the right to self determination and the very freedoms liberties and foundations most of you have taken for granted.
Our ANZACS would be rolling in their graves if they could see our Commonwealth today.
Don't ever forget the reason for Lest we forget.
If one wants to know more about this trespass against us head on over to ...
Backup Channel:


Kenn Daily
Published on Aug 20, 2018

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Note to flag bombers: When YouTube deletes a video due to flag bombing, I send a link to my "insiders" e-mail list where they can upload the deleted video to their YouTube channels and other social media venues. Though deleted from my channel, the "offending" flick proliferates on, perhaps, dozens of other channels receiving far more views than before it was zapped.

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Please do not use hate speech, racial slurs, profanity, pejoratives,
etc. in comments. Let's keep this channel a safe space where sane people can engage in conversation.

MEWE â–º
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ATTRIBUTION [FAIR USE] â–¼ -- Subcutaneous are becoming more popular as people around the world surrender their individual liberty for convenience and security.

In the future no border all will be needed because every human (with a few Alex Jones types) will be chipped and tracked. Illegal aliens will find living north of the border impossible as (a) they will be tracked and (b) their chip will be "turned off" in their host country.

Kidnapping will be a thing of the past, purse snatching will be pointless, every narcotic transactions will be recorded, cash-related crimes will be non-existent, corruption will be eliminated, taxes will be paid to the penny, keys will be pointless, voter fraud will be impossible, and the list goes on.

From â–¼ Rachel Metz

When Patrick McMullan wants a Diet Dr Pepper while he’s at work, he pays for it with a wave of his hand. McMullan has a microchip implanted between his thumb and forefinger, and the vending machine immediately deducts money from his account. At his office, he’s one of dozens of employees who have been doing likewise for a year now.

McMullan is the president of Three Square Market, a technology company that provides self-service mini-markets to hospitals, hotels, and company break rooms. Last August, he became one of roughly 50 employees at its headquarters in River Falls, Wisconsin, who volunteered to have a chip injected into their hand.

The idea came about in early 2017, he says, when he was on a business trip to Sweden—a country where some people are getting subcutaneous microchips to do things like enter secure buildings or book train tickets. It’s one of very few places where chip implants, which have been around for quite a while, have taken off in some fashion.

The chips he and his employees got are about the size of a very large grain of rice. They’re intended to make it a little easier to do things like get into the office, log on to computers, and buy food and drinks in the company cafeteria. Like many RFID chips, they are passive—they don’t have batteries, and instead get their power from an RFID reader when it requests data from the chip (McMullan’s chip includes identifying information to grant him access to the building, as well as some basic medical information, for instance).


Copyright Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on events deemed newsworthy. Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 allows for fair use for purposes including criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 reads in part, "Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright."

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