#9 The Order of the Players: Angels - Eden to Zion Series

3 years ago

Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
2:24 Introduction to the Heavenly Host
4:31 What are Angelic Creatures?
9:01 What are Cherubim?
14:53 What are Seraphim?
16:25 What are the Living Creatures?
19:19 What are Angels (Proper)?
28:41 Rank and Order of Angels
31:45 What Is the Divine Council?
52:08 The Fall of Angels
59:13 Satanology
1:00:40 Demonology
1:03:56 The Activity of Evil Angels (Including Satan's Throne)
1:20:34 How Should we Relate to Angels?
1:28:30 Demon Possession / Control
1:31:27 Can Christians be Possessed?
1:43:00 In Closing

This is Part 9 of our series Eden to Zion, fostering a biblical worldview through the story of the bible.

We’ve taken a three-part interlude between Genesis 2 and 3 to stand back and focus systematically on the Order of the Cosmic Kingdom. In part a, titled The Order of YHWH we turned to God’s attributes, the names of God, the Trinity, and more, what we call Theology Proper. Last time in the mammoth part b, we turned to the Order of the field – In worldview language, the ‘field of play’ is the total sum of reality, therefore biblically, the heavens and the earth, which we contrasted with varies common worldviews such as naturalism, Hinduism, Platonism, and how Christoplatonism has infected the church. We began with God’s Dwelling place – how he rules from a real throne in a real temple in the height of the heavens; The Nature of the Cosmos; God’s law and order that penetrates all of the field of play; We got clarity on Hell (Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Lake of Fire); and touched on God’s providence, before comparing worldviews.

Today, in continuity of the worldview language, we are turning to the Order of the Players – the players or characters are those who play a part in the field or stage of all things.

I said this was going to be three-parts but actually it’s going to be four, because today we’re going to exclusively concentrate on the invisible players, and I don’t want to cheat us of time in our study of angelology – so we’re going ask what are the angelic creatures, their purpose, nature, appearance, rank and order. We’ll take a look at the heavenly divine council, the origins of Satan and demons, their activity, can Christian be possessed? How we should relate to angels and more.

Then next time we’ll take a look at the human players, The Order and the economy of the Man, in part d, and then I promise we’ll turn back to Genesis 3.


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